Thursday, June 04, 2020

Somber times

Things are... not very good here. I live near a city where there have been serious, violent action against protesters and large numbers of unidentified law enforcement officials have suddenly appeared. I live in a county that is majority African American, and many of my coworkers are Black. People are scared and fed up. As a white person, I have the privileged that I don't feel the same fear that they do. Instead I am sad about the state of my country, angry that my friends and coworkers live in a country where they don't feel safe, and overwhelmed that so many bad things can be happening at once.  

At the same time, much of the world continues as normal. When I talk to some friends or family members, especially those not here in DC, the events seem much more distant. It's a jarring world to live in, spending my work day thinking about and acting on these issues, and then stepping outside the door to my front garden where the bees buzz as if all is right with the world. 


de-I said...

It is very true about the differences in the overall social experience. While angry and upset, the feeling I have is nothing like those of my colleagues in LA and Chicago who tell me they feel as if their world has been subject to an earthquake.

alexis said...

what I always find interesting is that this inequity has existed for so very long, and finally, FINALLY something has tipped the scales to get it recognized. Your colleagues and friends have been living this way, feeling the way they do, for their entire lives. Their parents felt that way and have been living this way. Their parent's parents. Etc. So while it is jarring, I feel more hopeful than anything that some small nudge of the needle to help alleviate the underlying inequities will finally take place.

Gill - UK said...

The world is not in such a good place at the moment and for some the strain is intolerable. You seem to be experiencing at close quarters, while all seems calm in our neighbourhood. I hope that something positive is brought about for those who are suffering.