Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Marking time

Like many people right now, my life seems to be an autopilot, without differentiation in my day. I get up, I work, I stretch out on the couch and read a book or hang out with Star Trek friends on Zoom, go to bed, and then do it again.

Only when scrolling through my pictures from the last month can I see I've actually been doing things.

I finished another sewing project, a fully lined summer skirt. I have never sewn slippery fabric before (needed for the lining), and it gave me the excuse to buy lots of new sewing equipment.
My father welded together a custom flame sensor to solve a long-time, intermittent furnace problem for me. Alas, we didn't plan correctly, so I can't install it. I'll bring it back to him at Christmas and hopefully we can alter it.
The Star Trek Christmas tree is up. Worf says, "Qapla' and Merry Christmas."*
From the seat of my bike. They close one of the roads through the parks on weekends, and that makes a good, decently-long ride.
The woods are pretty, even in winter. It's more fun biking in the cold because there are fewer pedestrians to dodge and I never overheat.

 *I always have to look up the spelling of qapla'. For the record, I tried to learn Klingon for about fifteen minutes one time and realized it is really, really hard to learn.


openmeadow said...

I love the fit of the new skirt; it looks super comfortable too! I recently made a lined flannel skirt, and am considering the idea of a second, especially as the MN winter is actually starting to feel like one. Out of curiosity, what did you use as your pattern?

I cannot say I've tried learning Klingon, but I have heard the same in regards to it's difficulty. Quenya, on the other hand, while is hard to learn, is not nearly as hard as what I've heard Klingon is like!


de-I said...

It is good to know the proper spelling of a vital Klingon word.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Jenny, I drafted this skirt pattern myself. It's just a basic half-circle skirt, but with the waist circle slightly bigger than my waist, so I added tucks around the waist until it fit.

Your lined skirt sounds great- the lining makes such a difference in winter.

alexis said...

I am glad I'm not the only one feeling like I am in the movie Groundhog day. I have sadly neither sewn a skirt nor welding anything particularly special during the time.