Monday, December 04, 2023

What I do when I´m not studying

Things are ticking along nicely here. I have found a good balance between study and social activities. It's probably not surprising that school is turning out to be useful for meeting friends.

Inviting friends to your home for meals is somewhat rare here - that is usually reserved for family. I suspect this is similar to the situation in NYC, when people tend to meet in bars or restaurants because no one has an apartment big enough to host people. However, I love cooking food for people so I've just decided to play the "This is something we do in the US" card and I've had two small dinner parties.
I've been busy studying for my final exam in Spanish, which is tomorrow. Actually, there are three exams: the final for the class, a makeup exam offered in January, and a certification exam. I am hoping to avoid needing the makeup exam, but I plan to take the certification exam because it's good practice. At this point, I am pretty confident that I can do will enough to be admitted to the next class, but we will see if the gods of the subjunctive case smile upon me. In any case, I will not have to think about Spanish for the next few weeks, because I'm going to visit friends and family in the US. It's going to be amazing to just walk around and understand everything that people say!

My new friends T and A at the house of the Joaquin Sorolla, a famous Spanish impressionist painter. T and A are fun and interesting people, and, on top of that, A is really good at remembering to take pictures for my blog, so I hope to hang out with them more.
I cooked to for two days to make this Indian feast: roti, raita, urad dal (lentils), malai kofta (a cheese and potato dumpling in tomato gravy), cabbage fritters, and lassi (a mango lassi drink). That meant a feast for three people, plus delicious leftovers for days. Totally worth it.
This is a tiny baroque church where I heard a concert of English choral music. The acoustics were amazing, and the crowd of senior citizens plus me loved every minute of it. I couldn´t decide whether to focus on the music or everything that was happening on the walls.

Madrid puts of LOTS of lights for Christmas. It´s beautiful, but apparently all six million Madrilenños were out looking at them on Saturday. Overfull buses passed the stop rather than picking people up, so getting there and home was a challenge. Next time I´ll go view them on a random Tuesday instead.


de-I said...

Is the god of the subjunctive tense a Baal sort of god?

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Could be, Uncld de-I. Maybe the reason I´m finding subjunctive so hard is that I don´t know where to aim my language prayers. Of course, this is a Catholic country, so perhaps I should be looking for a the saint in charge of the subjunctive case.

de-I said...

That would seem more likely. Though Saints don't require the amount of sacrifice that a good old pagan god like Baal does. And it seems the subjunctive tense is definitely something you would need to sacrifice to get.

alexis said...

look at your meeting people and getting out! I'm glad you'll be able to go home however and give your language learning brain a break

A's Mum said...

Great to see you enjoying the many opportunities around you - the meal you made for your friends sounds amazing.