Monday, January 01, 2024

Winter holidays

The rest of my holiday was spent in Ohio, with my parents and brother´s family. We mainly stayed at home, which was convenient in their very big house. We aren´t able to get all seven of us together every year, so this was a nice treat. I especially appreciated my brother´s family coming from the West Coast, saving me hours of extra travel.
Christmas breakfast with overnight cinnamon rolls and lots of fresh berries.
Teenagers found ways to get some space from the adults.
There may have been a bet regarding this stick, which was then carried through the woods for a mile. Sticks can be surprisingly heavy.
I usually plan holiday meals. This year I didn´t feel like spending all day in the kitchen, so we went to the historic indoor market in downtown Cleveland and bought tons of handmade pierogis. In the US, pierogis are usually found in the freezer section, stuffed with potato and maybe cheese. Cleveland had lots of Polish immigrants, and now you can buy awesome flavors like black bean & jalapeno, or barbeque chicken, although my favorite turned out to be sauerkraut.
Video games were played. It turns out that my father is pretty good at dodging bad guys, but VR headsets make me instantly nauseous, so I´ll be maintaining my spectator status in the future.


de-I said...

That was so special to be able to connect again with the family so soon into your transplanting adventure.

alexis said...

that market looks top notch and so did that snow - Ohio is not warming up yet?