Monday, December 09, 2024

Moving to Spain// Me mudé a España

Don Quixote // Don Quijote

An elementary school friend, V, asks, “What made you choose Spain?” and family member J adds, “Why did you decide to live in Spain and not Germany?”

For a really long time, I have wanted to live in Europe. It began when I was a high school exchange student and lived with a German family for a year. I loved the language and the culture and dreamed of possibly living there in the future. When I started my physics career, though, I realized that salaries were a lot higher in the US than in most other places in the world, and I stayed put. In 2019, I visited Spain for two weeks to attend a language school. I had learned some Spanish while I was in college, but I didn't speak it very well, so this was a chance to brush up those skills and see a bit of the world. During this visit, I realized that many of the things that I loved about Germany were actually things common in Europe, including Spain.

A few weeks after I returned, I realized that I could live in Spain if I didn't need to work, because they have something called a non lucrative visa, which does exactly what it says on the box. With this visa, the government lets people live here who will add their spending to the Spanish economy without needing a job. This kind of thing doesn't exist in Germany, and in fact I couldn't figure out a way to live there without having a company sponsor me. To be honest, the cost of living in Spain is lower and that also helped me in retiring early. I had thought that I would visit different Spanish cities before I moved here to choose the one that fit me best, but then the pandemic happened and I couldn't. So I simply decided to move to Madrid when I retired in 2022.

You might ask, what do I love about European life, especially Spanish life? There are reasons big and small: I love trains, history, and new languages. I'm grateful for a country that is safer, with a great medical system and less violence. I'm also pleased to be living in a country where I can drive less and where work life isn´t always quite as important as it is in the US. And I am lucky that they have decided to let me live here.

Una amiga del colegio, V, me preguntó: «¿Por qué elegiste España?». Y une pariente, J, añadió: «¿Por qué vives en España y no en Alemania?»

Desde hace muchos años tenía ganas de vivir en Europa. Para comenzar, pasé un año de intercambio en Alemania con una familia alemana. Me encantaban el idioma y la cultura allí y soñaba con vivir allí en el futuro. Después de empezar mi carrera en física, comprendí que los sueldos en los Estados Unidos eran más altos y me quedé allí. En 2019 visité España por dos semanas para asistir a una academia de idiomas. Aprendí español durante mis años en la universidad pero no lo hablé con mucha facilidad. Durante esta visita me di cuenta de que no solo quería vivir la vida alemana sino también la vida europea, y, de hecho, me gustaba la de España también.

Algunas semanas después leí más sobre los visados y aprendí que podía vivir en España si no necesitaba trabajar por haber un visado que se llama “No lucrativo”. Con este visado, el gobierno permite que las personas que vivan aquí lleven su dinero a la economía española sin necesidad de tener trabajo. Esta oportunidad no existe en Alemania, ya que no hay ningún visado que pueda permitirme vivir en allí. Para ser sincera, el costo de vida es más bajo aquí y también por esta razón pude detener mi trabajo más temprano. Pensé que podría visitar algunas ciudades de España antes de mudarme, aunque había una pandemia y no pude. Al final, decidí mudarme cuando me prejubilé y esto fue en el año 2022.

Además, ¿por qué me encanta la vida europea, y específicamente, la vida española? Por grandes y pequeñas razones: me gustan los trenes, la historia y los idiomas nuevos. Además, estoy agradecida porque es un país más seguro, con buen sistema sanitario y menos violencia. Asimismo, me encantan las panaderías y la comida, que es más fresca y menos industrializada. Del mismo modo, me gusta un lugar donde se conduce menos y donde el trabajo no tiene tanta importancia como en EE.UU. Y tuve suerte de que me permitieran vivir aquí.


Sue said...

Yes you are lucky! Good reasons for your decision.So happy for you!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

And thank you, Sue, for helping to make it possible!

alexis said...

We here already in Europe are pleased to have more family moving over to the Old Country. But yeah - you get paid less, this is true.

de-I said...

I totally understand the attractions you state. Would that we were slightly younger when we began our quest to make the same voyage. But we are so happy for you to have achieved this.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Uncle de-I, I´m sorry it didn´t work out for you to make the move too, but I´m awfully glad for you that you can at least experience longish visits.