Monday, June 16, 2008

'Til death do us part

Sorry for disappearing for a while. Andrew and I were both in a wedding this past weekend (not our own, in case that's not clear). There was much gnashing of the teeth over the Best Man speech, and a fair bit of rending of the garments when I saw how the stylist did my hair. (We were in the south and there was a fair bit of teasing in the 'do and that's all I'll say.) But our friend beamed for the entire wedding, which was worth any amount of bad hair.

And by going we've actually saved ourselves several hundred dollars. As we took part in this wedding, Andrew and I decided we could do without a few more services in our own wedding. For one, I don't need to spend over $100 on a hairdo I won't like - I can do that on my own, for free. If I'm not careful, I'll soon whittle the reception down to soydogs and iced tea.


alexis said...

oh my goodness. what will the reception in December in UK be like I wonder?

Anonymous said...

In the UK - Soy faux fish and chips of course.

stef said...

oh i DO hope you have pics to post of the southern hair do!

Anonymous said...

I should get the pictures of the hairdo in a few months. In the meantime, those of you attending receptions in either England or Ohio need not worry: both my mother and my future mother-in-law fall more in the moderately-thrifty category instead of the way-cheap category like me, so you'll be treated better :)

Ellie said...

Wunderbar! I'm goin' the same route on not paying a fortune for a hairdo by someone who doesn't know me from Adam - or Eve.
What else are you (read "what else can I") cut out?

Matty Lau said...

What, no goofy waste producing party favors bedecked with hearts, doves, ribbons and your names in silver (or gold) to grace each place setting?