Friday, September 25, 2009

Bon Appetit!

It's a Friday evening, the radio is playing excellent Dixieland jazz, and I'm sitting on my couch trying to write an argument about professional development for teaching assistants. Andrew has mixed us a couple of gimlets, which is adding to my good mood, and may even make the words come a little easier. (Last week my mother and I seized the opportunity to watch a movie our husbands would never enjoy, and watched "Julie and Julia." Since then I've been craving the gimlets that Julie makes in the movie and the butter-laden dishes that Julia makes. I've also taken to crying "Bon Appetit!" at dinner every night.)

I'm having trouble lately figuring out what to blog about. Although I won't defend for another seven months (only seven months! it's all happening so quickly), I often find that when I do something other than work it just feels like a waste of time. This is good, insofar is I'm getting a lot of work done (I think), but it definitely puts a crimp into the blogging lifestyle. Who wants to hear about the lovely paragraph I wrote that afternoon? I promise it will all get more interesting, in a mere seven months.


michael said...

Two things.

First: My family says "Malzeit" at the start of every meal, an abbreviation in German akin to bon appetit. Keep the phrase. It's a wonderful formalism to the ritual of starting a meal. Especially with kids. There's beauty to be found there.

Second: dude, writing. I would love to hear about the great paragraph from today. And also, when I was in this deep phase of writing, I read hyper-intellectual books from other fields, non-stop. Joe just smiled. The only one I remember is an analysis of the Heiland, a medieval German poem, and how it used Norse mythology for Christian purposes. I swear, I remember details of that argument down to the individual word, see the phrases on the page. Meaining: your brain is on hyper-awareness, like you'll never reach again.

Talk about what you see, if you wish, and are unsure of what to blog about.

Leslie said...

Ignore Michael! If you have free time to read medieval German poetry (?!?) you would be better served by taking a long walk, cooking a nice meal, or maintaining your social skills (they tend to atrophy). The last thing your brain -and your friends- need is for you to feed the addiction! Happy writing! (Bon Scrippetit?)

stef said...

I bet the second you stop thinking about what you might post about- a billion topics will surface.

It's been forever since I had a gimlet. too bad I hate gin.

unclem-nm said...

Blogging about gimlets, buttery food and Bon Appetit works for me :)

alexis said...

omg - if that movie comes out here maybe it will popularize gimlets (they are so drinkable I don't really understand why they've not caught on yet in NL...) and I can finally order them without having to do an in depth explanation..

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!