Andrew and I are both a bit behind at work, so we spent a good chunk of the weekend trying to catch up with our paid jobs. But we also found time for projects. Andrew installed a pedal extender on the clutch of our car (Yes, I am that short), while I painted our couch. That's right, I painted the couch.
Last year we bought a white couch from IKEA, primarily chosen because it was the tiniest couch we could find. A year of black cat love, red wine drinking, and a husband who regularly uses the white couch as a tool storage location left the sofa looking quite dingy. Slipcovers cost as much as a new couch, so I painted it.
You and your sister-in-law amaze me with what you do with paint. Nice hair Andrew.
Paint? Who would have thought. But perhaps a Burgundy color would have been more appropriate :)
That is really interesting! I will definitely come to you when it comes time to get a house established for all our home improvement tips
The couch looks lovely - but how fast is the colour? My imagination is working overtime - you could end up looking like an Ancient Briton if you fell asleep on a humid day.
Gill, that's a good question. The label on the paint said to let it dry ten days before using, but it felt okay after two. So far we've sat on it a few hours at a time and nothing terrible has happened. It doesn't feel sticky or tacky at all. But if one of us turns blue, I'll be sure to post a picture of it!
Wow! That is pretty neat! Did it take a lot of paint? What was your couch covered in before?
Love the color! I had no idea you could paint a couch, ingenious! We also have a white couch (in storage now while we're in temp housing of course), but we cover it with lovely NM blankets to keep the kids/cat/dog from destroying it. What sort of material is your couch?
Additional news about the couch:
It's covered in a sort of canvas-y material. It took less than two quarts for the couch and footstool combined. I learned that you have to be careful and not oversaturate - there are a few spots that are shiny because I put too much paint on. Otherwise, it's perfect. The texture is a bit rougher, but it looks good, and was a great fix for a cheap couch.
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