Monday, October 17, 2011

Rainy day at home

Mondays are my work at home day this semester. Right now I'm sitting down with a cup of tea and a piece of a new torte, Lingonberry Yogurt Chocolate Torte. This recipe has a feature new to me - the thin bottom layer is shortbread. When you build the cake and cream layers on top of it, it stays stable because the shortbread doesn't get mushy. Trust those Germans to engineer a cake properly.


Gill - UK said...

It looks delicious - I'd want several tea breaks a day!

Gill - UK said...

I've just used the link to look at the recipe and I have a problem - I think you might guess what the problem is.

alexis said...

LOL, Gill I think I will have the same problem for the recipe! It looks delicious but all my cooking is going to be apple related for the next couple weeks I think.

Ellie said...

Wow-E-Wow!! The tortes are looking more magazine worthy all the time! And tummy worthy...

unclem-nm said...

I'm assuming you are bringing a torte with you when you visit :)

Pulisha said...

That looks amazing! Baking must be in the Goerzten genes (one that sadly skipped me). My only hope is that C has inherited this amazing gift, and I can use her as forced labor to make me delicious goodies! Between your blog and Top Chef: Just Desserts, this plan is looking better and better all the time!