Monday, June 03, 2013

Mucking around in the dirt

Oh, its been too long between posts again. Can I use work as an excuse? I love my new job very much. However, we hosted several conferences in a row and I worked the weekend a bunch of 12- hour days. There's nothing like 12-hour days to make your regular 8-hour day feel like a walk in the park.
When I'm not working, though, I've been putting in a garden. If you live in our apartment house, you can request one of the on-site garden plots. This year there weren't that many takers, so we actually got two plots. In the picture to the left, Andrew is showing the border of our 20' by 20' garden. For a first garden, that's pretty big. It is, for example, larger than our previous house.
I've never been in charge of a garden before, although I was an (unwilling) weeder in my mother's garden. It is nicer to weed when you were the one who chose all the plants. I imagine that it will be more fun, however, when I'm harvesting. In fact, we have already harvested - one extremely prevalent weed is edible, and we ate a salad of it today. I'll report tomorrow if we find out that our assessment of "edible" is incorrect.


Gill - UK said...

Brilliant - gardening is very therapeutic and the rewards are worth the effort. The taste of home grown, when the plant hasn't had time to realise it is no longer growing, is so special - it spoils you when you have to go back to buying.

alexis said...

wow I'm totally vicariously gardening through you. We have a little in the back that gets (no literally) no sunlight at all. I threw some seeds at it and hoped for the best.

You're going to really enjoy it in autumn!

Denise Annemarie said...

What did u plant? Do u have deer? I'm not so crazy about watering and weeding but I love the fresh taste of home grown veggies!

de-I said...

I think there is a latent farmer gene in the Goertzen blood line. Wife always claimed she hated farming but then late in life became this gung-ho gardener girl.

gp said...


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