Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A week at the farm

     I just got back from a week's vacation at a working tourist farm. Tourists come from all over, some from as far as England, just to experience a taste of the real Midwestern country life. We did hard physical labor, ate terrific meals on the shady porch, and drank bottles of red wine and hard cider.
     I took plenty of pictures so that I can create an advertising brochure, to lure future guests to this - ahem- wonderful opportunity

Here, our hostess demonstrates how to weed. Rest assured, there are enough weedy flower gardens that everyone can have a chance.
The 42-acre property has elegant lawns, which needed frequent mowing. After the lawns were mowed, some lucky guests were given the chance to head out into the nearby woods and harvest fallen timber infested with woodworm.
Pets are encouraged. They may look like fun, but also provide plenty of opportunities for grooming, walking, and cleaning litter boxes.
There are field trips to nearby berry farms, allowing guests to harvest in the hot sun, then return home to make multiple batches of blackberry jelly. And if you're technically inclined, you'll be encouraged to give Internet lessons to your more mature relatives.

To be honest, I had a great time with my parents and in-laws. I couldn't have asked for a better vacation.


Bernice said...

I was fine will your post except for the "more mature" relatives. :)

alexis said...


Gosh, you had me at "cleaning out litter boxes", where do I sign up?

Gill - UK said...

A good time was had by all.

de-I said...

This sounds like the kind of opportunity that should be marketed through de-I Sandia Outfitters. Same kind of promotion to value delivered.