Monday, January 12, 2015

Out sick

I've turned into a cat. That is, I spend 16 hours a day sleeping, napping, or laying quietly in bed watching the world go by. I've been out sick for the past two days, which has meant forgoing fun dinner parties and work. I'm lucky, I think, that when I get sick my body just shuts down. I don't often suffer from hacking coughs, or upset stomachs. My body just shows the equivalent of the Microsoft Blue Screen of Death, I reboot for a few days, and then I'm better. I'm hoping that's the case this time, too, because I have a lot of meetings tomorrow that I'd prefer not to miss.


de-I said...

Hope it is just that and not influenza like Gloria just finished with.

Gill - UK said...

Get well soon - but listen to your body and if you need time off then don't beat yourself up - stay at home.

alexis said...

oh man, you and our daughter Munchkin - same response. It's a very big flu season this year!