Sunday, June 07, 2015

Catching up

     I have a good excuse for not blogging - I've been working. June is a great conference month, because professors aren't teaching. I worked the last two Saturdays helping out with conferences, plus I had friends stay a few days. Visitors are awesome, because they give you an excuse to have fun and not do housework, but then they leave and the housework is still there.
     So I spent the day doing laundry and watching the dog not fall asleep. That might not seem remarkable to you, but I was doing a test run with some tranquilizers the vet gave me. Ada the dog has the unfortunate tendency to bark when she's in the car. When we first got her, it was just a few minutes at the start of the trip, but now she can easily bark several hours. This is stressful for her, and me (as you can imagine).
     I was supposed to dose her today, while I was home, so I could measure how long it took to take effect and how soundly she slept. I gave her a full dose, and the effect was... not particularly noticeable. She still got up and sat by the kitchen whenever I was there cooking. She followed me around the house. She went on a two-mile walk with me. Tomorrow I will be calling the vet to ask for some better drugs. Perhaps her time on the streets of Miami means that she's already had a lot of experience with drugs?


Gill - UK said...

I hope you have better success next time you speak to the vet. It is no fun to drive several hundred miles, accompanied by Ada in full voice.

de-I said...

Maybe acupuncture or meditation would work?

alexis said...

man that dog has a will to be conscious! :)