Thursday, December 22, 2016

Sunshine and stairs

The dog stairs are done and they are a qualified success. If cheese is placed at the top, Ada the dog is happy to run up and down the steps all day. I was worried that she'd be scared of the quite narrow steps, so I'm relieved. The main hangup is that she hasn't figured out that there's a window up there, so she never goes up on her own.  I think a few more sessions of cheese and peanut butter will help her with this.
My church held a solstice service last night, which was just lovely. As a gardener, dog owner, and bicyclist, I spend more time outside than I used to in days of yore. As a consequence, I notice the seasons and weather more. I always welcome winter solstice; it means I've already survived the darkest days of the year. Solstice also reminded me how much I appreciate having seasons again. I know I've said it before, but living in Miami with its two hot and not-quite-as-hot seasons has made me forever appreciate four seasons. It's cold now, but in one month I'll be able to bicycle again, and in three months I'll be planting.


Gill - UK said...

Ada's a bright dog - she'll eventually work out there are benefits to looking out of the window - you could always smear peanut butter on the window to get her head pointing in the correct orientation - just a joke.

de-I said...

Being in New Mexico for 26 years where it is warm and dry or cold and dry...where we never shovel snow or mow lawns...makes me nostalgic for all those things that are back in the Northeast/Northern US...NOT ONE IOTA! :)

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

de-I, you have clearly chosen the ideal place for you and Aunt de-I to live. It's good we don't all have the same taste, or Albuquerque would be way too crowded :)

alexis said...

I can't trust my old memories too well but I feel like MD and MI were the places I lived that had the most distinct seasons and it always meant there was something to look forward to. So funny Ada doesn't realize there's a window there!

Ellie said...

Those turned out great! And what a lovely color of carpet you've chosen for the tops of the stairs! Hehehe...