Friday, November 10, 2017

On Holiday

I'm on vacation in San Francisco, or at least in a close suburb of San Francisco where my brother and his family live. This trip was something I badly needed. We've been short staffed at work, and we recently hired some temps. This was a good long-term decision, but in the short term it meant that I was training two people while looking for a permanent hire and doing my regular work. Several times a week, I have suddenly discovered that I overlooked something and needed urgent help from others to clean things up. While mt boss pointed out that this just means I'm human, I pride myself on being the kind of person that doesn't let balls drop and I'm grateful for a week off to recharge.

Trips to see my brother and his family are the perfect pace for me. Since everyone works or goes to school, I can sight-see or read during the day and then hang out with the family in the evening. This is just the right amount of people time for me. On this trip, I have three goals*: spend time with family, study Spanish, and learn about the building code for plumbing work in my county. That's everyone's idea of a good time, right?

*Because even when I'm on holiday I have goals.


de-I said...

I think I would be severely chastised by my offspring if I had 'goals' for my time off.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Glad you had some time off after that stressful experience. We all need time to recharge.

alexis said...

I am afraid to ask what you're going to do with your new knowledge of plumbing code.