Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Garden love

I've been delinquent in posting, without any real excuse. To help fill the gap, here's a photo of something that's currently bringing me a lot of happiness - my garden.

The picture doesn't do it justice. So many things are blooming: lavender, pansies, dianthus (carnations), roses, day lilies, foxglove, and moss roses. The lavender is a big mass of purple and green, lazily swarming with happy bees. Most mornings before work I go out and pull a handful of weeds, sometimes just to have an excuse to look at all the lovely plants and admire them.


Gill - UK said...

Such progress in just a few weeks - it's looking lovely, and the bees will be extremely happy.

Bernice said...

I am impressed. It has come so far from the first digging.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

I love your attitude!

alexis said...

you should be incredibly proud and contented with the amazing work you did! It looks amazing. I go out on our wee balcony every day, usually more than once, just to count the cucumbers (today there were 5) and look for bees.

de-I said...

In line with Gloria's comment it seems so very odd to experience a gardener not consumed with guilt for whatever might have not worked despite the greatness of the whole.

Ellie said...

Holy Cow! Apparently it's been a while since I've been to your house! This looks amazing and totally different.