Thursday, June 13, 2019

Loaner cat

When both of my pets died this spring, I was sad not only because they were gone, but also because I'm not planning to have any pets for a while. I want to be able to travel more easily in about five years, and any pets I adopt would still be around then. I miss having animals in my life, but lobbying my friends to get pets didn't work.

However, I'm pleased to introduce my loaner cat, Wesley! I turns out that you can just go to the library and check cats out, although you can't renew because there's always a wait list. I jest, of course. Wesley normally lives with my brother and sister-in-law, and since they are planning to take their two lovely children and travel for a year, Wesley needed a temporary home. He only arrived on Monday, so he's still in the "Where the hell did I end up?" phase, warily watching me, but he'll occasionally let me pet him, and he has already staked out his favorite chair for naps.


alexis said...

oh I am so pleased the universal forces have aligned for you to have a temporary feline guest! Wesley is a very cat-looking cat.

de-I said...

And definitely possessing the "where the hell am I look"

Gill - UK said...

A stunning creature - you might not want to part with him at the end of the year.