Friday, August 30, 2019


Like I did last year, I'm taking two weeks to pretend I live the life of a retired American in Madrid. Everything is ready to go: the bathroom DIY work is mostly done and cleaned up; the loaner cat has been delivered (however unwillingly) to his vacation caregivers, and I managed to limit everything that I'm bringing to 10kg in they-fit-under-the-seat carry-on bags. The only thing that's not ready is my brain. I haven't been practicing my Spanish regularly in the past few months and I fear I will be caught quite unprepared on Monday morning in my first class. But last year the teachers were quite nice and I shall simply have to study very hard.


de-I said...

Hasta Luego

Bernice said...

Your father and I have challenged ourselves travel light like you and son and family are doing on our upcoming trip. We haven't decided if we are going by weight or volume. Children you are examples to us.

alexis said...

welcome to our side of the pond! A well deserved break, no matter if you remember the language or not.