Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Summer Project

I can count the summer a success, because my big project is done. I made a dress! This is so far above my previous sewing projects (trousers and skirts) and the amount of hair pulling and teeth gnashing involved reflected that. 

The mother of my friend L collects vintage patterns, and L generously loaned me a few. This had the benefit of motivating me to make an 1950's dress and the disadvantage of starting me on a pattern with minimal instructions. Let me tell you, in the 50's they assumed that everyone knew how to sew and the didn't bother filling in all the boring details on their patterns. I spent many a night binge watching collar attachment videos on youtube, cursing the non-Euclidean geometry involved. But with encouragement from friends and the magic words from one video to just "force the pieces" together, it all worked out. If you can consider "picking out my mistakes over and over" as "all working out."

Now I'm all excited about a vintage blouse pattern. We'll see if my success with collars was a one-time event...


de-I said...

Somehow that advice from the video seems like it might have come from your Father.

Shaela said...

Way to go, Renee Michelle! Maybe when you're retired you can re-write pattern instructions to help others.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Congrats! It looks great from here!

Unknown said...


alexis said...

my god, that pattern is epic. Kudo's to you! I have so much more respect for the underpaid masses who make most of my clothes...

Unknown said...

It looks great! The best way to learn is to just get in there and do it. You did a great job.

Unknown said...

It looks great! The best way to learn is to just get in there and do it. You did a great job.

mevgg said...

Great job, Renee Michelle! I love the dress and I'm sure you'll find it comfortable and enjoyable to wear. Having attached many a collar in my day, I would love to make a date (as soon as we can be in the same room together again), to have a "let's put a collar on..." session (and lunch, too, of course). Miss you! Marie Elise

Gill - UK said...

Congratulations - working at a new skill set and producing a lovely dress - and a session with Marie Elise will help refine those skills.

Bernice said...

You forgot to mention that you learned to make button holes with your sewing machine. A new skill for all future dresses.