Saturday, June 24, 2023

Farewell, dear Scion


Yesterday I sold my surprisingly beloved 2006 Scion XA hatchback. In 2011, I convinced Andrew to buy a Mini Cooper, because a cute convertible car sounded like the perfect choice for a childfree couple living in Miami. But within a year, we had discovered the early retirement movement and decided that a gas guzzling turbo engine was not the right choice anymore. Andrew was given carte blanche to pick out a frugal car, and he came home with the Scion. It turned out to be perfect - reliable, gas efficient, big enough to carry loads of lumber home from Home Depot but tiny enough to park in small city spots. When Andrew died, I felt like he had taken care of me by leaving me with a car I could depend on.

Every spring, I used this car to move loads of compost, shovelled onto a tarp spread across the back seat. This car transported me and a dog who hated car rides to Ohio several times a year. It hauled me all over the eastern half of the country since I retired. And now it belongs to lovely man who immigrated from Bolivia last year and was excited to buy his first US car. I hope he has as many wonderful adventures in it as I did.


de-I said...

Sigh, so many big things emotionally doing this move.

alexis said...

I am sure you are giving him a very well cared for, great car. Another step towards new life!