Thursday, May 28, 2009


I've exercised regularly since I started graduate school. (That makes six years of consistent exercise, for those of you counting. Um, and six years of being a graduate student. Let's not think about that second part too much.) One of the best moves I made was to find exercise buddies. Knowing that I'll let someone else down if I cancel gets me out of bed in the morning. This past year I've been in dire straights, as my previous exercise partners had all moved away. I've been exercising, but not quite as regularly as I'd like.

Recently I've found a terrific replacement. Andrew and I have started working out at the same time, which helps, but it's still too easy to cancel on someone if they're at the breakfast table with you. However, we have made a bet with another couple: whoever skips their gym appointments first has to treat the other couple to a movie. This requires more effort than it might appear, because we live about two hours apart so the losers will have to travel in order to pay their dues. So far it's working brilliantly and keeping four people in shape. I am bound and determined to be the one that wins!


Matty Lau said...

Whatever can keep us motivated to exercise is an excellent choice in my book.

Pulisha said...

That's a wonderful idea!

el supremo de nm said...

Good for you oh hater of sweat :)

alexis said...

lol - in the end punishment is the only good motivator. :)

stef said...

That is a great motivator! Very clever- and really there are no losers if you get a movie out of it. ;)