Monday, February 23, 2015

Winter is finite

     As I pick my way through mounds of snow and treacherous black ice, it's hard to believe that I'll probably be in the garden within a month. At least, that's when my garden plan has me planting peas, lettuce, and spinach. In the meantime, the first sprouts are growing under my bedroom grow light.


Carissa said...

wow look at them grow! I need to visit them.

adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Good for you! I used to start seedlings also. Problem was I would get too excited and start them in January just because I wanted it to be Spring! It looks like you have got it all timed right.

alexis said...

RM, RM, quite contrary, how does your garden grow! :)

Gill - UK said...

Apart from peas and beans, which I sow direct, I buy ready grown plantlets. That way, I can get a few of several different plants, for less than the equivalent cost of the packets of seeds.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Gill, prices must be different in the UK than here. It is definitely cheaper to grow from seed than to buy seedlings. If I bought my 15 tomato plants as seedlings, that would run close to $50, but seeds cost less than $5. However, if you wanted only 1-2 seedlings of each type, then it would be cheaper.