Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I went to Ohio last weekend with my friend D and Ada. Ada emitted one lone bark on the whole trip. Sure, she whined every time we slowed down, but this is SO MUCH BETTER than the constant barking.
I ate the very first fig off my tree. It was delightful! There are only six tiny fruit on the tree, and this was the only one that was purple. It’s proof of concept that I can grow delicious fruit.
The doctor asked me to cut back on caffeine to see if it would help with a minor medical issue. I have been drinking only one cup of coffee each morning and not a drop of tea or afternoon coffee. Today I had a decaffeinated black tea, something I normally despise, but it tasted marvelous. Deprivation does make the heart grow fonder.


de-I said...

Boo on having to cut out the caffine

alexis said...

those are great milestones! Except the decaf tea, that's a bummer. We who are caffeine addicts fully sympathize!

Gill - UK said...

Well done with the garden - next year the fig should give you more fruit - I think