Friday, August 05, 2016

This and that

Re-entry into normal life after vacation was a bit more difficult than usual. I had failed to make proper sacrifices to the travel god, and I arrived home six hours later than scheduled. Since the plan called for me to get home at 10pm, that meant I fell into bed at 4am. And I am still part of the great unwashed labor class, so I hauled myself out of bed for seven hours of meetings. I did allow myself to miss the first hour of meeting, and apparently looked bad enough that my co-workers were impressed that I showed up at all.
As a result, I felt out of whack all week, trying to catch up on sleep, lawn mowing, and laundry. I finally bought groceries on Thursday, which meant I lived on peanut butter, pasta, and vegetables from the garden until that point.
I had a terrific garden sitter, but leaving a garden in the vigorous growing period of July means that the weeds were taller than some of the plants. I think it will take me another several weeks to catch up. As per cousin request, I will put more garden pictures up soon.
Every time I leave my cat to go on a trip, I sort of say a permanent goodbye, and I'm always a little surprised and delighted that she's still around when I get back. Phi is now almost completely blind and deaf. She walks into walls, but luckily whiskers help her to stop before she hits her head. She sleeps oven more than she used to, which I didn't think was possible.  Nonetheless, she can find her food and litter box, she can go up and down the basement stairs, and she doesn't appear to be in any pain. As long as she looks like she's still enjoying life, I'm awfully glad to have her around.


de-I said...

I could have sworn that enough libations were offered on the Saturday before you left to cover three or four trips! But in retrospect I suppose we didn't actually offer them as libations. I also suspect finding a proper virgin to sacrifice in that part of CA would have been pretty hard to do.

Sorry for you pain. It sounds totally miserable.

Gill - UK said...

Don't worry about the weeds - they will wait till you have time to dig them out.
It's sad to hear that Phi is showing signs of her age - we have always known her as a beautiful old lady.

alexis said...

ugh, always a bummer when re-entry is so difficult!