Saturday, June 17, 2017

On a quest for Brötchen

   Lately I've been craving a proper German breakfast, the kind where you have bread and rolls, slices of cheese (and meat for the omnivores), jam, soft-boiled eggs, and maybe some yogurt. I've found a source for some of the appropriate cheeses, Boursin and Butterkäse, and I'm perfecting my soft-boiled egg. But the rolls have proved quite difficult.
     I've never really understood why French baked goods are so popular in the US, but German breads are completely absent from the country. With some hunting, I can find excellent French bakeries in DC, and Latin American bakeries are everywhere around here. But the chewy rye and wheat breads I love from Germany are rare. I know I've mentioned in the past that I drive to Virginia every few months to stock up on pounds and pounds of dark bread. Unfortunately, that bakery doesn't make rolls (aka Brötchen) so I need to figure those out on my own.
     Today was my fourth attempt. One of the difficulties is that no one in Germany would every make Brötchen, because they're available everywhere, so there's not much information publicly available. Then, the varieties vary by region, and I have a particular, whole grain type in mind. I don't know if I should be using just whole wheat, or some white flour, or maybe rye. Are eggs or yogurt/quark used? An egg glaze? What about the fact that American flours have more protein than European ones? I am definitely baking blindly.
     In the end,  I think this will be a rather expensive endeavor, because the only way I can see to truly verify the authenticity of my final result is to fly back to Germany and eat a lot of bread. That's worth it, right?


de-I said...

Or Albuquerque, New Mexico where we have the Swiss Alps Bakery ( that makes a host of real German style rye type breads including brotchen! Take that Easterners.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I guess it's time to pack up and move back to Alburquerque...

de-I said...

Of course there is the minor problems of our being near the bottom of virtually every positive measure for states nationwide...but really is that important compared to real German style bread?

alexis said...

well the rolls certainly look amazing! Also probably you have a very specific taste from your regions you knew in DE in mind. I also agree that German bread is awesome and I don't understand why it doesn't get more widely appreciated.