Friday, August 13, 2021

Syrup and sasquatch

It's hard for me to describe how photogenic Vermont is, and my pictures certainly don't do it justice. Yesterday I did another long bike ride, about 26 miles in total. The path was outstanding due to its variety - sometimes I rode in forests, sometimes in meadows or through corn fields, or along rivers or through towns. The only thing that would have made it better was if it hadn't been 32C/ 90F and humid. Unfortunately, the DC weather followed me north.

After that, I started my drive to the Adirondacks.  listened to a banjo player at a farmer's market, and took more pictures of roadside attractions. There are museums and shops that count as "roadside attractions," but with Covid and limited time, I'm enjoying the drive-by sites the best.

I ate ice cream in a picturesque Vermont village. The flavor was goat cheese and strawberry, continuing the cheese theme. They also had basil ice cream, but I learned my lesson trying that in New Orleans once. The flavor of pesto does not belong in ice cream.
The face of modern maple syruping - the sap is all collected with flexible blue tubing strung through the forest. It looks like a medical experiment gone awry.

The world's tallest filing cabinet, although the website is careful to point out that this claim is unsubstantiated.

A giant jack, because, why not?
Bigfoot is the official animal of Whitehall, NY and there are many reported sightings in the area. I appreciated the baby sasquatch along for the ride.


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Michael and I have thought about doing a U.S. driving trip just to see all of the strange exhibits that people make all over the U.S.. Glad to see you are actually doing it.

Gill - UK said...

You have plenty of variety in your itinerary.
A 26 mile bike ride - you will certainly be fit by the time your holiday is over, and no need to worry about the extra calories you are sampling.

alexis said...

those blue tubes totally look like tree umbilical cords, getting ready to birth maple syrup. Also color me impressed wit ha 26 mi bike ride - you will indeed be super fit!