Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I've got a big work deadline this week, so writing a coherent post just seems too daunting of a task. Instead, I provide the scrolling news ticker of my life (which, sadly, does not actually scroll).
Andrew is having his wisdom teeth out tomorrow. He was scheduled to have them out two weeks ago, but when we arrived they decided that he was seriously dehydrated and the operation had to be postponed. Under questioning, he admitted that he had primarily been drinking coffee and beer for the previous week. He has since been reintroduced to the substance known as water.
I've been freaking out a bit because I washed my intended wedding dress last week. (It hadn't been washed in sixty years; it seemed like a reasonable idea.) The fabric survived but the net overlay shrunk a great deal. After an emergency consultation with the mother of the bride, we've decided to show it to a seamstress and see if a new net overlay could be added. The fabric is rather fragile, so it may yet be that I end up thrifting a wedding dress.
For Christmas, Andrew bought be an incredibly lovely fountain pen. It makes writing research papers almost fun. Recently I lost it, and I've been missing it absurdly. No one should care about a material object that much, but I did. I'd think about its weight in my hand, how the ink flowed, the color of the casing. I finally broke down and bought a replacement, but I couldn't afford the same quality as last time. It's nice to write with, but it's not the transcendent experience that I had before.
My basil has finally sprouted. Each seedling is tinier than a grain of rice, but there's definitely life there. I had planted it twice and both times we'd receive days and days of rain immediately afterwards. I thought nothing would survive, but no, there will be pesto this year! The miracle of life and pasta, what a great combination.


alexis said...

the pesto is divine karma's consolation prize for the loss of the pen.

Good luck to your fiance on the wisdom teeth thing!

stef said...

oooo. when that basil gets going you will have more than you know what to do with- trust me!
so sad on the dress- i hope you can fix it!

Michael Podolny said...

On Andrew and wisdom tooth removal - brings back the memory of my first time in a hospital under anesthesia.

On Andrew beer and coffee - Any one who has read English history would understand that they look at water with extreme dislike and distrust.

For Stef re: Basil - Fabulous in scrambled eggs - wonderful in a salad either as an accent or in big chunks with whole parsley leaves to create a kind of herb salad - THE match with a great tomato - For a heated up can of beans, fry some basil in hot olive oil for 10 seconds then add to the beans, can be cooled with the addition of a little more oil and vinegar for a salad - Make a sauce of fresh tomatoes by just barely cooking the tomatoes adding the basil at the end so it just gets warm - key with basil is to not over cook it.

Anonymous said...

Hope the wedding dress works out. Isn't that my Mom's (Agnes Goertzen) wedding dress? It would be great if you could were it.

Aunt Gloria

Bernice said...

It is Agnes's dress. It was sent to me today and I will take it to a couple of seamstresses for their opion. There is hope.