Sunday, May 04, 2008


Yeah, I'm still here. And I've got no news... I'm supposed to have a draft of part of a paper done by Tuesday and it's so far from done it's not funny. Every time I think about writing a post, I think, "If you're going to be sitting at the computer writing, you'd better be writing your paper..."

In the meantime, it's beautiful. Returning to Maryland after arid Colorado just blew me away. I kept exclaiming, "It's so green and verdant!" (Well, okay, I didn't really say verdant; I just wish I had.) It turns out I live in a rain forest. The rock gardens of Boulder have been replaced with grass and fully-leafed trees and azaleas and a million other chlorophyll-laden organisms. Although I had to work today, I dragged the laptop outside and soaked in the springy bursting-with-life feeling.

And that makes the work a bit more bearable.


stef said...

Oh it's true here too. I just wish it were a little warmer most of the time so I could appreciate it more!

Michael Podolny said...

Wife and I have similar though slightly different feelings when we come East now. More like - "It's freakin' green here, I feel claustrophobic!"

alexis said...

not possible to get claustrophobic here. too flat.