Saturday, April 09, 2011

Highs and lows

Andrew passed. His committee asked him loads of questions, but requested only minor corrections. So it seems extremely likely that he'll be able to move down at the end of the month as planned.

I'm so glad that I was there, and I almost equally happy to be home after a week away. Unfortunately, I walked into a situation common to Southern Florida: a house crawling with fleas. I won't go into details, but visible bugs and visible blood is not a good combination. It's been a long day of pesticides, flea baths, and endless cleaning. The cat and I are both pretty worn out, and success is not yet guaranteed.


Gill - UK said...

Ouch! I take it that poor Phi was the victim.

unclem-nm said...

Bad for cat but congratulations to Andrew! Onward and upward.

alexis said...

Well first - hurrah for Andrew!!! What are the prospects for the next steps? Does he still want to stay in academia?

And poor Phi! My heart goes out to you, I know how dear pets can become to us over time.