Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Meat, or dishes lacking it, is a primary concern for me in Spain. I haven't encountered anyone outright hostile, but I do encounter an air of befuddlement when I explain that I don't eat meat OR chicken OR seafood. The waiter seems to be thinking, "But then what will you eat?" The guidebooks talk about the great love the Spanish have for food, but that love is centered around pork. It makes me long for Germany, which had many more vegetarians, and where they make bread and cheese a staple of many meals.

I have two methods of coping: I rented an apartment instead of a room so I could cook, and I tfocus my attention on alcohol and dessert. I am pleased to report that Spain has good desserts, and I am slowly working my way through every item on offer at the bakery. Unless those items contain meat, of course...


de-I said...

And really, one can never go wrong with alcohol

Gill - UK said...

You are having a really educational holiday - there must be some Spanish vegetarians so there must be some vegetarian foods - but where?

alexis said...

yes that is exactly my memory of Spain: lots of meat and olive oil.