Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Pancake Day

A special informational post for all my readers who aren't in the UK: Today is Pancake Day. Yes, it's also known as Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday, and it is celebrated by many as a day of excess before the fasting time of Lent. I know many countries enjoy fried pastries, or big feasts. In England, however, they have decided that it just doesn't get any wilder or crazier than pancakes. So tonight, as per my fiance's traditions, we shall eat pancakes, topped with lemon juice and sugar, for dinner.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm willing to give lemon juice and sugar a try - but I think my cultural make up goes more to maple syrup and butter.

Bernice said...

My favorite topping is fresh or frozen (thawed of course) peaches with sugar and maybe a sprinkle of powdered sugar for appearance. When I was in school and needed to stay late for an activity, I would walk to my grandmother's house and that is what she often had for supper (as we called the evening meal in MN). She served it with canned peaches.

Anonymous said...

If you can listen to BBC radio 4 on your computer, choose the Tuesday evening edition of the Archer's and you will find out about some very original liqueur toppings for pancakes. But don't drive for a few hours if you decide to try some of them.

alexis said...

god, all hell must break lose when they eat waffles.

stef said...

Mmmm. that actually sounds perfect to me. I often find butter and syrup to be too much.