Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I'm normally quite wary of using exclamation points - I think they tend to be an overused form of punctuation. But in the case of this post's title, an exclamation point is apt. We had delicious coffee, made from beans that Andrew roasted this weekend. Here's the process:

We can roast up to a half pound at once, using a stove top popcorn maker. The process does produce some smoke, but not as much as when I deep fry.
Once the beans are roasted the right amount, you quickly take them outside and pour them between two strainers. This helps them cool quickly, and allows the chaff to blow away.

Brew and drink. To further your enjoyment, listen to the coffee song.


Bernice said...

I love it - especially the coffee song!!!

de-I said...

I'm presuming that you are offering to provide free samples in order to promote your internet sales?

And I LOVE exclamation points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost as much as dots.........

Gill - UK said...

Super photos - did you have to buy a whole sack of beans or did you get a small amount? Since it turned out so well it's a bit irrelevant!
I like exclamation marks too!

Gloria said...

Andrew looks so pleased with his hugh cup of coffee!!! (I like them too!)

alexis said...

ahhhhh - I had the wrong kind of popcorn popper. But I will resist buying another kitchen gadget when we get great beans here already