Friday, March 29, 2013

Dinner at home

We invited friends over for dinner last weekend. It was a sort of combination dinner/dog play date, although the reality is that the dogs ignore each other more than play (which is just fine with me, because the dogs seems to only have three interaction modes: play, ignore, and fight). 
I suggested making Mexican, and it turned out that one of them had returned from Mexico last week, bringing a suitcase of fresh tortillas home with her. suggested making Mexican, and it turned out that one of them had returned from Mexico last week, bringing a suitcase of fresh tortillas home with her.

Since it was a casual evening, I didn't do a lot of cooking. I keep ready-to-eat beans in the freezer. In this case, I had beans cooked with salsa, onions, and summer squash, which I reheated and we ate on top of the tortillas. The tortillas were, indeed, the best tortillas I've ever eaten. And I'll have to savor that memory, because Mexican food is pretty rare in Miami.
As always, we were reminded that dogs are scavengers, and the hopeful eyes are everpresent at dinner.


Gill - UK said...

Those eyes - how can you resist giving poor Ada the treat she desires?

de-I said...

The corn tortillas we had when we were in Mexico last month were a revelation. Nothing like any corn tortilla I've eaten in the US, and as you know, we're in area heavily Mexican influenced.

alexis said...

I need to order a friend to go to Mexico and bring me tortillas. My parents also said they were awesome.