Saturday, March 09, 2013


Our dog received her very first package addressed directly to her. I wonder if my sister-in-law has an unused budget for gifts for her nieces and nephews. Since we don't have any children, our pets profit instead.

My brother's family got Ada a Christmas chew toy which lost its squeak almost immediately. These gifts are to replace that broken one. From the smell, Ada could tell right away that was a dog cookie, not a people cookie. That hopeful look was rewarded soon after this photo.


Gill - UK said...

Obviously very well trained -deferred gratification has its own rewards.

alexis said...

was it a hope baked dog cookie?

Shaela said...

Aww...poor phi.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Alexis, it was labeled for dogs. I certainly hope it was, because I didn't taste it.